Ailsa House's major makeover is complete
An ageing housing block on a key Salford gateway to Media City has been given a £300,000 makeover.
Salix Homes’ 24 apartments at Ailsa House have benefited from new windows and doors – and a modern glass balcony has replaced the old deck access balcony in front of the homes.
Further improvements have included a new roof.
Work to improve the block externally builds on a modernisation programme which was delivered in 2014. New kitchens and bathrooms were fitted, alongside new heating systems and electrical rewiring work.
The Salford housing association – which owns and manages more than 8,300 homes across the city – has also acted on residents’ concerns about large conifer trees which were planted outside the homes when they were built in the 1960s.
These trees, which were blocking light to people’s homes, have since been removed.
The dramatic transformation has been carried out by Oldham-based building specialists Emanuel Whittaker.
Mark Foster, service director of investment at Salix Homes, said: “Ailsa House now looks fantastic following its recent makeover. The block was beginning to look a little tired and dated but for a relatively modest investment we have been able to deliver a transformation in how it looks.
“It’s really changed the appearance for those who live here and for those who pass-by on journeys to and from Media City.”
John Gallagher, Contracts Manager at Emanuel Whittaker, said: “This has been a fantastic project to be involved with and it’s great to give Ailsa House the makeover it deserves.
“The residents are enjoying new and improved homes and now they can be proud of the external new look of this landmark building.”
Resident, Anthony Cadogan was delighted with the building’s new look. The 23-year-old said: “The place has been completely transformed and has such a fresh vibe compared to before.
“It now feels a very clean and modern place to live in. I love it.”
Salix Homes investment at Ailsa House is part of a £22 million boost into 2,200 homes and communities across Salford over the next two years.
Houses across the city are being brought up to modern standards, making them more comfortable, safer, secure and energy efficient.