Water hygiene

We make sure that the water systems in our properties are installed and maintained to the highest standards.

However, if your home has been empty for an extended period of time, perhaps if you’ve been away on holiday or in hospital, there is a chance that the quality of your water may be affected by the growth of bacteria, which occurs naturally in the water mains supply.

In our communal buildings, like sheltered accommodation, we arrange regular inspections and flush out the systems in any long-standing empty properties.

Legionella and Legionnaire’s Disease

Legionella is a naturally occurring bacteria present in water. Although the risk is very low, there is a chance that Legionella bacteria can develop in stagnant or stored water in your home.

Legionnaire’s disease is a lung infection you can get from inhaling droplets of water containing the bacteria that causes the infection. It’s uncommon, but it can be very serious for some people.

Visit the NHS website to find out more about symptoms and treatment: www.nhs.uk/conditions/legionnaires-disease


Reducing the risk of Legionella

  • Keep your hot water on your thermostat to at least 60°C, as Legionella bacteria can’t survive high temperatures
  • Avoid stagnation by keeping your water moving. Run the tap or shower for around two minutes if they’re not used regularly, and flush toilets that haven’t been used in over a week
  • Shower heads and taps should be regularly cleaned to help kill off any bacteria

Questions or concerns

If you have any concerns or questions about the quality of the water supply in your home, please contact us.

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