Changing world prompts Salix Homes to ‘Rethink Housing’
Salix Homes is ‘Rethinking Housing’.
In today’s forever-evolving world, we are rethinking the way we provide our services in order to cope with the demands of the future.
In 2015, we set out on our five-year journey to 2020 with our Corporate Plan – Let’s Grow Together.
But like any organisation, Salix Homes is not immune to the changing landscape, so we have revisited our five year objectives to make sure we’re still heading in the right direction and focusing on the right things. This will help us achieve our goals for our customers, communities and colleagues.
Lee Sugden, chief executive at Salix Homes, said: “Rapid technological advances, a new Mayor for Greater Manchester, Brexit, political uncertainty, welfare reforms and a growing housing crisis are just some of the changes we, along with many others, are facing.
“But with these changes come opportunities, such as a truly digital service for our customers, a closer partnership with health providers or even a stronger voice to help tackle the housing crisis.
“Our customers deserve to have their landlord support them to navigate this brave new world. The time is right for us to think differently about how we meet these challenges. The time is right for us to rethink housing.”
Today we launch our updated five-year plan Rethinking Housing, which meets these challenges head-on, with the ambition and forward thinking we pride ourselves on.
Watch our Rethinking Housingvideo setting out our vision for the future.
Throughout February we will also be showcasing various projects and initiatives that highlight our commitment to new and innovative ways of working and provide the best possible service for our customers.