Business advice from Salix Homes adds up to a promising start for online maths tutor
A single mum of three has launched a new business thanks to a helping hand from Salix Homes.
Marie Kenfak recently attended a start-up business course we organised for our tenants alongside Banana Enterprise, which is an organisation that helps unemployed people back into work.
Marie, who lives in Lower Kersal, Salford, had previously worked in a hospital but left her job when she had children.
She was keen to get back into work but needed a job she could do from home to enable her to juggle her childcare commitments.
After attending the course, she was given the information, skills and support she needed to launch her dream business and has now set up an online maths tutoring business.
She said: “I went to a workshop offered by Salix Homes about starting a home-based business. I already had the idea for a business, I just needed to set it up, so the course was great as I was able to have my questions answered and get some information on things I needed, like a license or insurance and book-keeping, which can be quite complicated.”
Marie was also able to apply for a Business Start-Up Grant via Salix Homes, which has helped her buy a computer and equipment to get her business idea off the ground.
Jackie Crook, Skills and Work Manager at Salix Homes was on hand during the course to offer support and advice to our tenants.
She said: “At Salix Homes, we’re committed to providing opportunities for our tenants to help them learn new skills to improve their lives, and Marie’s story is a great example of the difference these initiatives can make.
“Marie had a great idea for a business, but just needed a little helping hand, so we’re incredibly proud we’ve been able to support her to fulfil her ambitions and we wish her the very best of luck with her new business venture.”
Marie now has several clients she tutors every week, with some as far afield as Japan, and she can do this alongside looking after her own children.
She says it’s also given her a real feeling of independence. She added: “I used to work in a mental health hospital and the hours were not great, so after I had my last daughter, I wanted to find something that would allow me to be at home more as well as work. Childcare is very expensive and finding something that means I can be home for my daughters and do some tutoring is amazing, and it’s all thanks to Salix Homes.
“I’m really excited to grow my online tutoring – it’s great knowing that I can help children who are struggling.”
Find out more about Marie’s story in our video.
If you want to know more about the initiatives we run to support our customers with employment or training, visit the Work and Skills pages of our website.