Our Promise to You

At Salix Homes, we have a vision to help communities live, grow and thrive together.

Our Promise to You

We’re committed to giving you an excellent service

Our Customer Charter sets out our commitment to delivering excellent services, in the way you expect. This is Our Promise to You.

Our Promise to You - Voice, Respect, Communication, Safety, Our Services, Resolution, Accountability

We’ll regularly measure our progress, to make sure we’re delivering what we promise.

Find out more about each of the commitments we’re making to our customers:

We will ask for and value your views to help guide the decisions we make.

We will make sure that you feel listened to on the issues that matter to you and that you can speak to us freely.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By having a strong customer engagement framework that is accessible to all our customers.
  • By listening to you carefully and involving you in key decisions.
  • By listening to and learning from your feedback if things go wrong.
  • By embracing the experiences and knowledge of our customers and use this to continually improve our services.
  • By being transparent and honest with you about the challenges we face as an organisation and what we do to overcome them.
  • By understanding your perspective about what’s important to you through data, surveys, sentiment, and trends.

How we’ll measure it:

  • Through our Customer Engagement Framework (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By publishing our annual customer voice report (published by our Customer Committee).
  • By how satisfied you are with the opportunity for your views to be taken into account (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By how satisfied you are that we take your views into account (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By the number of service delivery changes made following customer feedback (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).

We will treat all of our customers with respect.

Our relationship with you will be based on trust, honesty and transparency.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By having a culture of respect, openness, honesty, and transparency.
  • By storing and using your information ethically and securely to make sure we offer you services that are the best value for money.
  • By holding our colleagues to account for delivering these promises to you.
  • By valuing our colleagues who uphold our promises through our reward and recognition programme.
  • By recruiting and training colleagues with these promises in mind.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing award winners for staff who uphold our charter and culture.
  • By publishing and updating our privacy statement.
  • By the percentage of staff who have completed ‘the difference you make’ training programme (monitored by our Senior Management Team).
  • By how satisfied you are that you are treated with fairness and respect (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By how satisfied you are with the knowledge of our staff (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By the percentage of customers who trust us and how likely it is that they would recommend us to a friend (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By the number of times data law is not kept to (monitored by our Audit Committee).

We will give you clear and accessible information, on time, on the issues that matter to you.

This includes important information about your home and your local community, how we are working to sort out problems, and how we are run and performing.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By letting you know when we make changes to our services.
  • By communicating clearly and transparently and without using jargon.
  • By communicating with you in your preferred way.
  • By telling you how we spend your rent and get the best value for money for delivering our services.
  • By sharing our performance with you and those who hold us to account on these standards.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing our Value for Money report and Annual Financial Statements.
  • By how satisfied you are with our communication (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee.
  • Satisfaction with the opportunity for your views to be taken into account (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • Satisfaction that your views are being taken into account by Salix Homes (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • No. of service delivery changes made following customer feedback (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).

We will put the quality and safety of your home at the heart of how we build, improve, maintain, and manage your home and neighbourhood.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By having an open and simple process in place for you to easily report concerns about building safety.
  • By making safety a key factor that we look for in the companies we work with without affecting quality or value for money.
  • By meeting regulations about how often we service and check the gas and electricity in your home and how we manage the risk of asbestos and legionella bacteria growing in the water.
  • By being leaders in the sector for fire safety and putting the Building Safety Bill into practice.
  • By involving you so you understand your responsibilities to keep your home safe for your household and neighbours.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing our procurement framework.
  • By publishing home-safety guidance.
  • Compliance measures (x7) (monitored by our Board).
  • By the number of home-safety visits we carry out (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).
  • By how satisfied you are with safety within your home (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).


We will provide housing services to you that are efficient, consistent and easy to access, however you choose to contact us.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By taking responsibility for your enquiries.
  • By supporting you to access your MySalix online account.
  • By making it simple to access and use your MySalix online account so you can manage your tenancy and report repairs easily and at a time that suits you
  • By aiming to deal with your enquiries at first contact, taking the right course of action in the right way.
  • By, if we are unable to deal with your enquiry at first contact, getting back to you within one day (not including weekends and bank holidays) and keeping you regularly informed of our progress.
  • By having strong agreements in place with our partners so we can work together to provide you with a good-quality service.
  • By getting the best value for money for your rent and the best possible social value outcomes of our investments to benefit our communities.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing guidance on how to use our customer portal.
  • By publishing a directory of partners and services and updating it every three months.
  • By the percentage of contacts dealt with ‘right first time’ (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).
  • By the percentage of enquiries dealt with within 24 hours which were not dealt with at first contact (not including bank holidays and weekends). (Monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee.).
  • By publishing our Value for Money report.
  • By publishing our Social Value report .

We will make sure you have a simple and accessible way of raising issues, making complaints, and putting things right.

We will give you advice and support if things go wrong.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By having an effective complaints policy and procedure in place in case things go wrong.
  • By investigating complaints within 10 working days.
  • By apologising and putting things right if things go wrong.
  • By having a compensation policy in place.
  • By using the information that you share in our complaints and feedback processes to improve how we provide services to you.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing our complaints policy and procedure.
  • By publishing our compensation policy and procedure.
  • By the percentage of complaints upheld (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By how satisfied you are with how we handle complaints (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).
  • By the percentage of complaints dealt with on time (monitored by our Customer Committee and Board).

We will work in partnership with you so you can independently monitor us and hold us to account for the decisions that affect the quality of your home and services.

How we will deliver our promise:

  • By working in partnership with our Customer Committee who hold us to account on the consumer standards.
  • By supporting regular customer-led scrutiny projects commissioned by our Customer Committee and produced by our scrutiny pool.
  • By reporting changes that we have made based on customers’ views to our Customer Committee so they can hold us to account on them.
  • By effectively training and supporting our involved customers.
  • By publishing an annual customer voice report, written by our Customer Committee showing how customers’ views shaped how we deliver our services.
  • By using this charter to show you how we perform against it and who holds us to account and how.

How we’ll measure it:

  • By publishing our scrutiny work.
  • By the number of pieces of scrutiny work carried out (monitored by our Senior Management Team and our Customer Committee).

What we ask from you

We will work in partnership with you so you can independently monitor us.

To help us deliver Our Promise, we ask:

  • That you are considerate and respectful to our staff, your neighbours and people in our communities
  • That you regularly update your contact information with us so we can deliver the best service to you
  • That when you can, you access our services using the MySalix online account so we can provide the best-value service and most convenient service for your rent
  • That when you spot a building safety concern, you report it to us quickly so we can resolve it and continue to keep your home safe
  • That you tell us if you’re struggling with your rent or any other issues so we can support you
  • That you let us know if things go wrong, so we can work with you to put them right
  • That you keep to the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreement
About us

About us

Who we are and what we do at Salix Homes

About us
Our Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values

How and why we do the things that we do

Our Vision and Values
Our people

Our people

Meet the people behind all the work we do at Salix Homes, including boards, committees, and teams

Our people