5. Board
5.1 For completeness, the demographic of Salix Homes Board is detailed below:
• Gender balance 70% Male, 30% female.
• Median age 49 with 10% of those over 65.
• Ethnicity 80% white and 20% from other ethnic backgrounds.
• No current board member has declared a disability.
• 10% of our Board are identify themselves as Gay or Lesbian, 90% are heterosexual.
5.2 Our Board recognises the importance of representing the communities we serve. As an aspiration, we would wish to see the makeup of the Salix Homes Board reflecting that of our customer base and we will seek to achieve this, wherever possible, via open and robust recruitment practices. This aspiration will, however, be tempered with the need to maintain an experienced and skilled Board.

1. Introduction
An outline of how we'll ensure the provision of an inclusive working environment.
2. Salix Homes - In Context
An overview of the setting and city our organisation works in.
Salix Homes - In Context
4. Our Colleagues
Creating working environments where everyone can feel safe and a sense of belonging.
Our Colleagues
6. Monitoring and Review
A summary of our EDI commitments and how we're monitoring progress.
Monitoring and Review