Learning hub launched to support homeless and vulnerable people in Salford

A new project to help homeless and vulnerable people to learn digital, employability and life skills has launched in Salford, thanks to a helping hand from Salix Homes.

The Salford Loaves and Fishes charity, which supports homeless, isolated and vulnerable people, has launched the Flexible Learning Hub to help people improve their digital skills and complete online training courses.

The project offers access to a range of personal development and accredited courses in skills such as health and safety and food hygiene, all of which will help people to try something new and to help improve people’s further learning and employment prospects. Access to computers and learning support is available for anyone who wants to take part.

Salix Homes has awarded £8,000 to the project as part of our new Salix Seed Fund initiative, which provides grants to community projects that are making a real impact in Salford.

Jan Drew, Salford Loaves and Fishes Learning Programme Manager, said: “We are incredibly proud to launch the Flexible Learning Hub, which is about so much more than just an educational resource. It’s a natural progression for our Job Club and a great opportunity to take  our already strong partnership with Salix Homes and Pendleton Together to the next level. The funding we have received from Salix Homes means we can increase our offer of digital support to people in Salford.”

“We work with some of the most vulnerable and isolated people in our communities and the Hub provides a chance for those who have faced significant challenges to take positive steps toward a better future. We also know that meeting people where they are, in a space where they feel safe and comfortable, helps to build confidence and trust, which in turn opens up new life experiences and access to further training and employment pathways. We’re very grateful to Salix Homes for their generous support of this project which will have a lasting impact on our communities.”

The Salix Seed Fund is a funding pot of £40,000 provided through our partner contractors that has been earmarked for ‘social value’ projects. To ensure that the money is spent on projects that truly reflect the needs of our communities, we invited all colleagues to nominate projects for consideration.

Salix Homes Social Inclusion Manager, Jackie Crook, works closely with Salford Loaves and Fishes and nominated the Flexible Learning Hub for a share of the funding pot. She explained: “in a world that is digitalising rapidly, many of our customers are being left behind because they either lack the necessary skills or don’t have access to suitable devices or a reliable internet connection.”

“The Flexible Learning Hub will help bridge the digital divide, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the opportunities the digital world offers. This project will empower people to fully participate in modern life—whether it’s paying bills, finding the best prices for goods and services, staying in touch with family and friends, or accessing essential services like banking, healthcare, and support for issues such as debt and mental health.”

“By providing fully funded educational opportunities, the hub will also support people to take positive steps toward a better future. We’re very proud to support the hub through the Salix Seed Fund, helping our customers and communities to build the skills and confidence they need to thrive in today’s digital world.”

The funding has been used to equip the Hub with essential IT gear, including computers, course software and headphones.

The Flexible Learning Hub is based at the charity’s Skills for Life Centre on Paddington Close in Pendleton. The Hub offers computer and internet access, or learners can complete the courses in their own time with their own devices.

Weekly drop-in sessions are at the hub on Thursdays from 1pm. Keep an eye on our events page for more dates and sessions.

To find out more, visit the Salford Loaves and Fishes website or follow on Facebook: facebook.com/loavesnfishes